DIE Exams


The Foundation for the Development of and Research into Spanish Culture (FIDESCU), was founded in 1996, under the protection of the existing law on education foundations. On December 6th, 1996, it was both recognized and classified by Ministerial Order and registered in the Register of Education and Research Foundation, its registration number being, 315.

The FIDESCU Foundation was created with the aim of promoting Spanish Culture at both a national and international level. Its objectives are as wide-ranging as Spanish culture itself, however, within a certain order priority is given to those sectors related to the Spanish language. FIDESCU comes under the Protectorate of the Ministry of Education and Culture. All of the Foundation’s cultural activities are subject to the direct supervision of its patrons. The Foundation also has an Honorary Advisory Board which is made up of experts in various fields of culture.

Spanish D.I.E. Exams

The D.I.E. (International Diploma of Spanish) is, like the D.E.L.E, one of most widely respected and recognized Spanish language certifications in the world.

It offers children from the age of 9, young people and adults, the possibility of obtaining qualifications which vouch for their level of linguistic ability in Spanish: Oral, Written, or both.

This qualification is divided as followed:

  • Six Oral levels: Elemental, Básico, Intermedio, Avanzado, Superior and Dominio.
  • Six Written levels: Elemental-A1,Básico-A2, Intermedio-B1, Avanzado-B2, Superior-C1 and Dominio-C2.
  • Three levels of specialization: Business, Tourism and Health.

D.I.E. Online: Six levels of general Spanish and three of specialization can be done.

The objective of the D.I.E. consists of evaluating the capacity of each candidate to communicate effectively with other Spanish speakers.

Who is the D.I.E. for?

• Professionals who work with Spanish-speaking people.
• Students who want to improve their resumes or college applications.
• Anyone of any age who wants official acknowledgment of their Spanish language studies, regardless of their course of study.

Certification in the Spanish language is a valuable and necessary credential for many people seeking to either work or study in Spanish-speaking countries or for those interested in conducting global business.

The FIDESCU D.I.E. is one of the most attractive options available to those who are seeking an internationally recognized certification.

Academia De Español is an accredited FIDESCU Center

We are an accredited FIDESCU center and we offer D.I.E. (Diploma Internacional de Español) examinations. The accreditation by FIDESCU implies that we are eligible to conduct International Certifications for language enthusiasts who wish to test their knowledge of Spanish at the international level. Since our center follows the same pattern, with respect to the guidelines, certification, education system and quality controls, our center has been accredited as an Examination Center.

We are an official testing center for the D.I.E., Diploma Internacional de Español (International Diploma of Spanish). The D.I.E. is a certification of Spanish proficiency recognized around the world. It was developed by the highly-regarded FIDESCU Foundation for the Promotion of Spanish Culture.

As we are an FIDESCU language training and testing center in the Mumbai, when you prepare for and take the D.I.E. with us, you can rest assured that the accent of the person you are learning from at Academia De Español will be similar to the accent that you will hear during the oral examination.

To know more about the D.I.E. International exam, please visit FIDESCU

Fee Structure

Cost for D.I.E. International Certification (For 2019)


D.I.E. Written

D.I.E. Oral
Certificado Elemental      A1 ₹ 3400 ₹ 3400
Certificado Básico             A2 ₹ 3400 ₹ 3400
Certificado Intermedio    B1 ₹ 3800 ₹ 3800
Certificado Avanzado       B2 ₹ 3800 ₹ 3800
Certificado Superior         C1 ₹ 4200 ₹ 4200
Certificado Dominio         C2 ₹ 4200 ₹ 4200
Certificate Specimen
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